Your Partners In Purpose

We free founders and CEOs from burden of day to day operation and help shift business performance to path of continual innovation and growth. 

This is achieved through market leading strategy developed from deep customer insights.  Then turning this strategy into reality through frameworks and structures that create alignment throughout the organisation and ensure momentum towards company goals.

When this all comes together in an environment where teams are engaged, empowered and supported by leaders that enable their people to shine, then growth and impact will effortlessly follow.

The future of business directly impacts our collective future. It’s why the businesses we serve are the ones that also serve the collective good. At Impactus Advisory, we believe in creating a better world through business.
Group meeting

The Impactus Difference

Our process is built from proven frameworks and tools developed from over 25 years experience transforming and growing businesses we have run. Proven real world experience that is fit for the future and helping our clients to solve real problems and deliver much needed change in the world.

The driving vision behind Impactus Advisory is to empower purpose-driven businesses and their leaders, ultimately amplifying their impact and contributing to the creation of a sustainable future.

Alan HegErty Founder & Managing Director

At Impactus Advisory, we proudly serve as a catalyst for transformative change. With over 25 years of honed skills and expertise, Alan’s passion lies in leveraging his capabilities to magnify the impact of visionary businesses and founders dedicated to bringing positive change in the world.

His journey has been fuelled by a profound desire to create a positive and lasting impact on the world. With the successful scaling of several ventures, including a remarkable $3.5 billion financial services enterprise under his belt, Alan founded Impactus on a quest for deeper fulfilment and to help others unearth the transformative power of inner happiness.

Through a multifaceted approach, Alan takes a comprehensive look at business models and operations to ensure businesses are primed for growth and success. Playing a pivotal role in connecting capital sources seeking investment, to opportunities with businesses and technologies, he has the network to see you succeed.
Alan Hegerty 2023 Colour scaled

What We Stand For

Creating a wave of momentum is easy when you’re aligned with your values. It’s what helps us scale positive outcomes through real-world business impact.


We believe in the power of purposeful action to create positive change.


We see scaling as more than growth – it's a transformational journey.


Embracing evolution is at the heart of our mission, steering businesses towards sustainable success.


We are driven by a vision of a sustainable future, this includes having the freedom to focus on what matter most


Empowering leaders is at the core of our ability to drive culture and change to achieve significant growth.

Dragonfly Concept

The Dragonfly symbolises change, transformation, adaptability, and self-realisation.
Have you ever noticed that it is rare to see a dragonfly sitting still? Like most of us in life, they are usually busy darting back and forth. However, it is when they are still that you can feel the impact of their beauty and calmness.

Like the dragonfly, at Impactus Advisory, we have a unique process that can unlock rapid transformation and impact from a place of clarity and calm. Guiding both the business and its leaders on a journey of transformation to clarity whilst amplifying their impact and creating space and freedom.

Green Dragonfly